Facilities and Amenities


Dining-RoomThe extensive range of facilities and amenities provided at St.John’s includes:

Spacious accommodation
each room has ample storage space for residents’ belongings and clothing, as well as seating and a comfortable bed

Dining Room
all meals are provided in the pleasantly decorated and homely dining room, with the catering and serving staff providing a balanced diet and constantly changing menu

TV in all sitting rooms
large, easy-to-watch plasma screen TVs are wall-mounted in each of the sitting rooms for the convenience of the residents

Central heating
the home is fully centrally heated to provide a pleasant environment for the elderly residents

Pay phone
while some residents have their own mobile phones, others prefer to use the more conventional method and a pay phone is available within the house

Walk-in showers

for convenience of all residents, bathrooms and toilets are located on both floors

Hairdressing service
A professional hairdresser visits the home regularly to attend to residents’ individual needs

A feature of St.John’s House is the small, intimate Chapel within the building where weekly services are held.

Activities at St. John’s House


Nurse-+-residentTo ensure that residents live full and independent lives and to provide the necessary stimulus for a healthy and active lifestyle, St.John’s provides a varied programme of recreational and therapeutic activities such as:

Board Games
Scrabble, Monopoly, Chess, Draughts and Backgammon are just some of the games played by residents

Residents have become experts in a number of popular card games, ranging from rummy to poker

always a lively activity which generates great excitement and entertainment

using their hands to increase dexterity and creative thinking, residents engage in a number of craft-making activities

Reality Orientation (Sonas Therapy)

Musical Appreciation
those with an ear for music really enjoy the musical sessions when they can appreciate a wide variety of music

Extend activities

Hand massage
gentle hand massage increases blood circulation and is an aid to those suffering from arthritis or rheumatism

these include trips to museums, gardens, theatre etc during the year

In addition, voluntary groups and organisations also provide entertainment from time to time.